- Made in the USA
- High Efficiency
- Quick and Easy Serviceability
- Less Maintenance
- Improved Equipment Safety
- Touchscreen interface
The New Pulsar Chlorination Systems are simple and easy to use. They utilize Pulsar Plus Calcium Hypochlorite Briquettes to provide consistent, dependable pool water chlorination. The Patented Pulsar Plus chemical formula includes a scale inhibitor to reduce the scale normally associated with calcium hypochlorite and improves filter efficiency.
The Pulsar System will give you cleaner, clearer water, less hassle and longer pool and equipment life. TDS buildup with Pulsar Plus is less than half that of bleach. It's the only sanitation method that chlorinates, removes organics and metals, boosts hardness and shock threats, all in one process. In addition, you'll need less acid to control pH. It takes two and a half times as much acid to maintain proper pH in a bleach pool due to the caustic stabilizers in bleach.
All internal components are easily accessible with external components mounted on front of feeder. New PLC based Control Box, with touch screen interface, controls booster pump for optimal efficiency, with new self cleaning wash down feature. The Patented Pulsar 45, Pulsar 140 and Pulsar 500 feeders are sized for every size pool. Feeders are installed in their own by-pass loop, downstream from pool filters and pool heater. Systems include: fully operational system with feeder, 1 HP booster pump, PLC Control Box, venturi injector, solenoid valve, paddle wheel flow switch, and plumbing kit. NSF Listed. Available in California, Northern Nevada, Western Washington and Oregon.